Index of Personal comments

The Articles below are listed in the order that they were published, not by Subject heading.

Please click on the Article you wish to peruse and that should open:

 5         talk on EFI etc (more of a personal nature)

6          Motorcycles

9          The great Treck           

10        Rambling at random

12        eMail transferring data in the 90’s etc.

16        Obtaining Sponsorship and going racing

21        After sales service etc.

22        Things that bother me

26        Talking about new bakkies for 99 etc.

30        Introduction to the reader (also personal)

33        Roadsafety (general comments about Namibian roadsafety etc.)

34        Pirate parts Agency's etc (What to look out for when purchasing anything aftermarket)

36        general ranting on the automotive side

42        Business Ethics

48        Odds ‘n Ends

50        What your car says about you- Jokes (Could offend)

73        What parts and Services do we offer

74        Why feedback is important

75        What is NEW @ Nicks Racing (after our move to Erf 23 Nickel Str.)

76        What does our warranty comprise ?

77        Grey Market cars

78        The Hobbyist

79        Definitions


 Please do take note that these thoughts are purely those of Nick himself and do not necessarily represent Nick's Racing.

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