Those that know me well, know I enjoy Cooking.

So I have decided to publish some of my recipes here.


I have decided to get back on this page with new recipés I am trying



If you manage to get hold of Mushrooms with some decent lamellen i.e. Omajova, this is the way I like to prepare them:

Very simple actually, works well with a lot of Vegetables.


Fry Mushrooms in butter over medium to high heat until glassy.

Add loads of Butter with mushrooms

Mushrooms (when fresh) ejaculate a lot of white Liquid, so wait until that has boiled away, then reduce heat to simmer while adding White Wine and Garlic (see it as a Vegetable not a spice).

The shrooms will absorb about 1/2 Glass of Wine in short time. Then add some cream- Voila.

What Urda does not understand, and this is critical to me; You cannot frizzle the Shrooms in the Butter until brown and expect them to have some "bite". The bite will turn to sogginess if you boil these suckers in wine, so the period from ejaculation to Cream is critical. It does not help to give the stove max Rev's as per Urda, one has to be Gentle about it.


My Great Grandmother said in 18voertsak "Männer sind Romantisch, Frauen sind realistisch".



I like to make this mean Steak. The process is as follows:
Soak it in sour cream (the steak, not something else- by the way that is whipped cream), olive oil, garlic and herbs for about an hour before you throw that bad boy on the grill. The lactic acid breaks down the meat, much like it does our muscles when we get tired......Ok I should not get to serious otherwise I loose my Image.


But Garlic potatoes are also very lekker to go with that steak. Either in a potjie, while you have the braai or in a pot on the stove: Enough sliced potatoes, either cooked or raw, some cabbage and - if you want bacon - onions and a lot of garlic. Put all into same pot and pour over enough cream. Let everything bake until lekker smooth. Can fill up with cream if it seems to get a bit dry. For those who like garlic, this would be mouth-watering.


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Black Bean Chilli

1/2 pound ground chuck
1/2 pound chorizo sausage cut up
1 cup dried black beans, soaked overnight
3 cups water
1 rib of celery, chopped
1 small red bell pepper, chopped
2 tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 medium carrot, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
1 tablespoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1/2 cup beer
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons ground chillies
sour cream for garnish

Brown the ground chuck and chorizo in a skillet; drain. Rinse and drain the soaked beans. Combine the beans and water in a large pot. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Add the red pepper, onion, celery, tomatoes, carrot, garlic, vinegar, beer, cayenne pepper, and chillies to the beans. Simmer, covered, for 1 1/2 hours or until beans are tender. Add the ground chuck and chorizo sausage. Simmer covered, for one hour more. Garnish with sour cream. Serve with rice or tortilla chips.


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It comes in many forms, but if you don't have fresh ingredients, don't bother.

10 plum tomatoes (seeds squeezed out and diced)
3/4 Cup freshly washed basil leaves (minced)
2 cloves garlic minced
1/3 Cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 Cup extra virgin (no pun intended) olive oil
1/4 Cup merlot
kosher salt to taste
dash of pepper
one loaf European baguette style bread

It is crucial to use fresh everything, but what really matters with this dish is the marinade time. After you combine all of the above, you have to let it sit out at room temperature for at least two hours. Before you serve, cut the bread into 1/2 inch rounds and cover a baking sheet with the rounds. Spray the bread with olive oil (infused is always good) and bake at 350 degrees until crispy (about 20 minutes). You can spray the bread with just olive oil, or you could sprinkle it with Parmesan cheese as well. The idea is to make the bread rounds crispy so the tomatoes and the juice have a firm surface to rest on.

What makes this such a perfect recipe is its ability to travel well. All ingredients are served at room temperature so you can throw the bread rounds in a bag, throw the tomatoes in a plastic container and take it on a picnic. Because there's already red wine in the marinade, may I suggest serving this with a cabernet or a merlot? It's also one of those fun foods you can assemble individually and feed to your partner...very slowly. There's plenty of juice so you'll have plenty of fingers to lick.

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Das Brot:


650gr whole-wheat flour

350gr cake flour

1 sachet instant yeast

2 tablespoons sunflower seeds

2 tablespoons linseeds

2 tablespoons sesame seeds

1 teaspoon salt

850ml warm water (40°)

3 tablespoons sunflower or olive oil - mix with the water


Mix well and fill into two (2) baking tins


Let rise at 50° in the oven for approx 30 min

Then bake at 200° for one (1) hour


was nicht dabei steht und ich dir auch nicht gesagt habe ist, dass ter teig fuer zwei (2) normale brotformen ist, also fuer zwei normale brote!!  hab das frueher uebrigens auch im flachen eisentopf mit deckel drauf auf pad in der kohle gebacken - wunderbar - dann den ganzen teig in einem pot, silberfolie drueber und deckel drauf. halbe stunde am rand der kohle gehen lassen und dann auf kohle stellen und eine schaufel gluehende kohle oben auf deckel und eine stunde backen lassen. 


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Cut the Haloumi Cheese into Mouth size Pieces.

Wrap in a rasher of Bacon (or roll it in Bacon) and Lay those on the Grid.

            Hint: It pays to do this before you start Grilling Seriously, as this concoction is not affected too much by Heat.

Turn it that all 4 sides of the Bacon are done.       Serve 1 to 2 a Guest, as it is very rich.



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I use a sauce recipe that works with whatever and all the component parts are long-lasting without refrigeration so that you don't have to drink warm beer just to have the luxury of a decent sauce.  It looks like this:

1 Onion, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon of tomato sauce or tomato paste
1 Tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice (I prefer the juice)
3 Tablespoons of peanut butter (Yep, that's right)
1 Tablespoon of curry powder or your favourite masala mixture.
1 Chicken, beef or mutton stock cube in 350ml of hot water.

Just moer it all together in a pot or pan over low heat after frying the onions for a short while.  Be prepared to stir it because the peanut butter
makes it go thick and creamy and then it tends to burn a bit at the bottom. Works great with droewors (where's that bloody deelteken when you need it!) cut into bits or mince or chicken or chipolata sausages or whatever.  Great pasta sauce!


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Omelette of Desire

3 eggs
2 tablespoons prepared chocolate syrup (like Hershey's)
Butter for omelette pan
4 slices (rectangles or half circles) mild white cheese, such as Provolone, divided*
Approximately 6 medium sized strawberries, thinly sliced and divided*
Approximately 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, divided
Whipping cream for garnish*
More chocolate syrup or fruit sauce for drizzle
Colour garnish: such as fresh strawberries, raspberries, maraschino cherry

Break eggs into a medium mixing bowl, then add the chocolate syrup and 1 teaspoon water. Whisk together until well mixed.
Over medium heat, heat your omelette pan (preferably non-stick).
Just as you are ready to cook the omelette, place 1-2 teaspoons butter into the pan; allow to melt and swirl to coat the surface of the omelette pan. Butter should be bubbly, but don't allow to burn. When butter is ready, pour approximately half of the egg mixture into the pan (about 1/3 cup of the mixture, depending upon the size of the pan).

Using a non-metal spatula, simultaneously tilt the pan to one side and lift the cooked eggs up so that the liquid egg can flow under the cooked egg and cook quickly; do this around the entire circumference of the egg/pan.
When no more egg flows and the top is almost cooked but still moist (you may need to reduce heat), cover one side of the omelette with half the cheese, half the strawberry slices, and half the chocolate chips.

Reduce heat to very low. Fold omelette in half over the fillings. Allow to sit for a moment over low heat to allow the cheese and chips to melt.

Tilt pan and allow omelette to slide out on plate. Make the other omelette.

Allow to cool a few minutes before garnishing. Garnish with whip cream piped onto the top of the omelette.
Add colour with another strawberry, mint leaf, raspberry, etc.
Drizzle with chocolate sauce or fruit sauce. Serve and enjoy.

Cream cheese or another mild white cheese (Brie?) can be substituted for the Provolone.

Nuts can be added for the filling or as a topping garnish. You might try this with M & Ms in the filling.

Other fruit (raspberries?) could be substituted for the strawberries.

Fresh whipped whipping cream is best, but you can substitute the canned (aerosol) variety used for ice cream sundaes or Cool Whip.


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Spicy Pork


Pork Ribs cut into bite size pieces (I have tried wild piglet with great success)

1 medium size onion

Green or Red chillies (amount depends on individual tastes)

Salt and seasoning

Soy sauce

3-4 table spoons Extra Virgin Olive oil


Blend onion and chillies together. Pour in bowl and add salt, seasoning, soy sauce and olive oil. Mix well and marinade pork pieces for at least one hour (I add Garlick to everything).  Bake in oven on medium to high heat for 30 – 45minutes or until cooked and lightly browned.


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Peanut Butter soup


Whole chicken (cut into pieces NOT barbecue size) OR beef or lamb/mutton

One large onion

Small green chillies (amount according to taste)

A tablespoon of tomato paste

Salt to taste

Smooth peanut butter – approx 3 tablespoons

Boiling water


Wash meat/chicken and place into large saucepan. Blend onion, cup of water and green chillies until smooth and pour onto meat in the saucepan.  Add tomato paste, stir in well and leave to simmer on medium to high heat. Keep stirring and adding half cups of water until meat is well stewed. In the mean time, put the peanut butter in a small pan and place over low heat. Keep stirring until paste “melts” and becomes a smooth soft paste. Add paste to meat and stir in well. Add boiling water until meat is completely covered – (about a quarter of an inch above meat). Leave to “simmer-boil” for at least 25-35minutes (or until meat is tender).

Serve on its own or with boiled rice, potatoes or freshly baked bread.


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Torsten's way of preparing a Brandy Sour (a Cypriot speciality)

It is quite simple:
Crushed ice + local brandy(amount to taste and strength) +
Lanitis lemon concentrate(substitute by squecing a lot of lemons and add sugar)(amount to

adjust sweetness of drink) + a dash of Angostura bitter + sparkling water(amount to adjust strength and dryness of drink). Serve and enjoy!

Hint- you can hide a lot of Brandy in there

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Mojito a'la Andy


2-3 cl fresh lime/lemon juice

2-3 spoons brown “rohr” sugar

some fresh mint leaves

crush with stoessel/muddler

fill up with crushed ice

6 cl havanna club silver

splash with soda



make more

feel like fidel

sleep between the mint….


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Caipirinha (Urda's favourite drink)


In einem kleinem Becherglas:

1 Limette achteln und 1-2 Barlöffel Zucker dazugeben

mit einem (Holz)stössel gut zerdrücken

5cl Cachaça dazugeben und umrühren

Mit crushed Ice auffüllen und

nochmals verrühren....



For those of you wishing to add something, please do not hesitate to drop me a line at


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